11 Plus

11 Plus Mock Exams
As well as tutoring children in the 11 plus, we are excited to be offering mock exams for the first time this year. Many children of this age will not have experienced exam style situations before and this gives them the opportunity to see what it's all about. We will be offering two styles of mock exams - CEM style exams for the boys and GL Assessment for the girls. This reflects the 11 plus exams used by Bishop Wordsworth School and South Wilts Grammar School. The exams have been specifically written for these mocks by ourselves, so the children cannot have done them before.
Mock Exam Dates 2020: to be confirmed

What to Expect from the exam paper
The papers have been designed to be as close to the real exam as possible. Bishop Wordsworth School uses the CEM exam which consists of two papers which are 50 minutes each. Both consist of Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning questions in a multiple choice format. South Wilts Grammar School use the GL Assessment exam which consists of three papers - Maths (50 minutes), English (45 minutes) and Verbal Reasoning (50 minutes). This will also be in the format of multiple choice answers. 
The exams will mirror the difficulty of the real 11 plus. It is a valuable tool to give the children an idea of what it is that they are working towards. One of the main aims of taking the mock exams is to identify any areas where the children need further work and to enable them to fix them before they sit the actual paper later in the year.
Results are available within 5 days after sitting the exam and you will be notified via email and Facebook when they are ready. Each student will receive a report showing what their score was on each paper and how this compared to others sitting the same exam. The combined cost of the exam and report is £30, but Exam A will be offered at a special introductory rate of £25.  In addition to this, a more detailed report can be purchased. This will give scores for individual questions, feedback on how the children were during the exam (e.g. any distractions, filling out the answer sheet accurately, use of written workings), examples of actual questions that were answered incorrectly to show where things can be improved, and a simple analysis of how their score might relate to the actual 11 plus exam. This costs and additional £10 (total for exam and detailed report = £40).  There's also the option of a 1-1 tutoring session with our expert tutor, Sarah, after the exam to go through the paper and assist the child in rectifying any mistakes and strategies for moving forward. The total cost for this (exam, report and tutoring feedback session) is £60. All reports will be emailed to you and a hard copy can be posted for an addition £2.Discounts are available for multiple bookings.
 Booking is simple! Use the form below. Bookings can be taken up to a week prior to the exam date. 
11 Plus Summer School
We are now offering an 11 plus summer school to help children prepare for their September exam. Click the link below for more information.
11+ Summer School Information
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